../ Perfection


'The best is the enemy of the good' - Voltaire

I've never been much of a perfectionist in most things that I do. To be completely honest I didn't think I was a perfectionist at all until the past week or so. But I've been working on a new project, It's a logically complex problem, involving lots of small technical architecture decisions, and I've spent the past few days trying to 'perfect' my solution. This has, however proven difficult - with it being such an open-ended problem.

I thought back to a quote I wrote down a few months ago, 'The best is the enemy of the good', and I realized how accurate this can be in problems where the answer isn't discrete.

The solution?

Unfortunately I cannot offer a definitive solution, but in each case it's worth posing the question to yourself of if your focus in the micro is necessary to reach your goal in the macro, and in a case where it isn't, then stop wasting time!

So as I'm sitting here procrastinating on which of the infinite possible solutions I'm to try next, I decided to write down my thoughts.