../ Transactional Economy


The Transactional Economy

First of all, I'm not sure if "transactional economy" is the right term for the paradigm I'm referring to, so I'll clarify: in today's world, many experiences that were previously based on emotions and personal connections, have been replaced by transactional experiences. For example:

  1. Friendships are becoming more transactional, with social media focusing on superficial interactions like liking posts, rather than deeper, in-person connections.
  2. Relationships are becoming more transactional, with sites like tinder encouraging users to make quick judgments based on superficial attributes, rather than investing time to build meaningful connections.
  3. Networking has become more transactional, with sites like linkedin promoting the idea of '1 click connections' rather than building genuine connections with potential clients / partners.

The list goes on, if you wish to see some more examples you can prompt chatgpt with the following

what experiences in life have become more transactional over the past 50 years, that were previously based on emotions

Why did I write this post?

Initially I started writing a post titled 'goals', in which I wanted to outline the things that I wanted to change in the world, but after writing the majority of that post about this specific paradigm, I decided that I should probably shift the topic focus. However over the past few months it really has become a focal point for me, and something I would love to disrupt.

One of the big things I've realized, is that I'm not alone in this frustration: with many friends feeling the same way. It feels like we're losing the 'personal touch' that made certain experiences and relationships, significantly more meaningful.

I want to focus my future projects on trying to bring back personal connections where applicable, and I hope that some other founders have the same goal.

If you are working on a project that has the same mission and looking for investment, reach out at capital@joseph.sh